Beauty and Wellness…

We know at Simplicity how important it is to feel good.

We take pride in staying current not only with trends but also with science and energy wellness. Our combined over 100 years of experience and 22 years in business we feel confident and passionate about our craft and our role in our clients lives. We take pride in showing up for you and doing our best. We are proud to work as a team and hope this builds your confidence in knowing you have a team of beauty and wellness experts to assist you.

Beauty is a force of shifts the chemistry in our bodies…gives us strength and power.

Celebrating our 22nd year of business in the year 2022 and over 100 years of collective experience.

B * E * A *U * T * Y + W * E * L * L * N * E * S * S

At Simplicity Salon we believe Beauty and Wellness is about energy and light…

…and it will shine brighter when you leave the salon then when you arrived

E * N * E * R * G * Y + L * I * G * H * T

Hair and Wellness Services


Hair Services

We pride ourselves on giving our clients a deep relaxing and rejuvenating experience in our Wellness Wash and Treat Lounge

Massage & Wellness

Wellness & Massage at Simplicity
A Saratoga Springs Tradition

Energy Medicine Yoga

We love group gatherings and sharing our tools for wellness.
View Upcoming Events & By Consultation

Simplicity is a State of Mind….Leave your Hair to Us!